You are an author, write your story.
When we listen to stories of successful people, who have attained a far superior stand in the society, we tend to wonder how they could’ve achieved something which otherwise seems impossible to us.
It’s all good to read through the success stories of multiple people, but have we ever seen ourselves as the “others” that readers look up to?
By default, we have all been handed a pen. The stories that we inscribe, are our own.
So what would you like to write today? It shall be interesting and rather exciting for us to read in the coming days.
Most of the time, we find ourselves caught up in the blame game, consequently blaming the situation instead of analyzing the facts.
Thoughts like, “If I had the IQ, then I would have excelled.”
“If only I were in a better school or college I would have grown exponentially.” “If only we had more wealth, I would have got a better opportunity”
“If I were tall, I would have won” and the list goes on.
Circumstances are either presented to us or are the result of our activities.
But what we do is what really matters!
Situations are like a canvas. You leave it the way it originally was, it remains an empty canvas. You paint it with dark, light & vivid colors, it becomes an art.
If you let the situations take control of you, you bear resemblance to a wooden log on the river, just floating with the tide. But, If you take control of the situation, you could be the raft choosing your own course.
Don’t let situations flood into your life and take the life out of you.
“Open a new page, start a new chapter- That’ll be your come-back at life.”
The only things that matter when life reaches the edge, are the memories that shall bring smiles along with tears.