My greatest fear in life.
Imagine yourself tied to a chair, sitting in front of a ticking clock that you dare not mess with, it’s synced with your entire life. The moment the clock stops, you die.
Given those few moments to live, what would you do? Would you just sit and watch as your life ticked away or would you try to do something worthy of being counted as one of the best moments of your life?
All of us face a similar situation very often, we find ourselves tied to an invisible chair, watching time just pass by. Reliving the memories of our past and pondering over the worries of our future, untimely deaths of our loved ones and breaking up of new bound relations.
We find ourselves staring at these moments, while they take moments of our life away.
‘Stagnancy is the greatest fear of my life.’
Flowing water symbolizes life and stagnant water represents death. When we stop growing from our yesterdays,when we don’t upgrade ourselves from our previous versions, we are basically equal to that of being dead.
Wake up! There are answers for the questions you have in mind, there are opportunities if you have the zeal to grab on to them! There are moments worth living for, if you have the will to conquer them!
Get up, and start moving. Your life is indeed synced with time, but time doesn’t depend on you. You might as well stop, but time won’t.
We all make mistakes, we all have flaws and fears. We reek with imperfections, but let these not define our boundaries. We are infinite.
As we have choices, let’s all choose to live!