Choosing the right path, the right journey.
At a very early phase of our life’s journey, we come across many decision-making junctions and situations where we try to force ourselves to answer questions like, “Which journey is right for me?” “Which path should I be taking?”
These questions torment us and seeking the answers to them become very important to us as we fear making a wrong career choice or taking a wrong path that would possibly leave us facing the worst circumstances.
So the question is, whether there is, in reality, the right choice? Whether there is a path that is already chosen for us?
Well, the answer is, it's one’s belief.
No matter what path you choose, if you believe that it is the chosen for you, then you will have the courage to face every obstacle and challenge through the journey, it leaves you feeling excited all the time. On the contrary, if you feel that the choice was not yours and was forced upon you, then you will have a very hard time facing the challenges to follow. You will feel like quitting every now and then.
You just need to give the journey a new start, a fresh look, no matter who chose it. As is the saying of Gaur Gopal Das, “Every journey you take, teaches you new lessons”.
It’s the journey that makes you. It’s the experience you gain, the adversities you face that makes you different from everybody else.
“It's not the journey that makes you successful, it’s how you drive yourself through the journey”.